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Student Profile: Jeff

Updated: Nov 1, 2021

Welcome back to our Student profile series. In this blog, we are introducing our third-star student here at ME Education. We proudly present Jeff.

Jeff is a Hong Kong native and is a fairly new joiner at ME Education. Owing to our hard-earned, positive reputation in Hong Kong, Jason’s parents had heard wonderful things about the ME Education centre, and decided to enrol him six months ago.

Despite only being with us for a short while, Jason has displayed all the qualities we admire in our star students. We are confident he will thrive and excel in his academic pursuits, and we are thrilled to welcome him into the ME Education family.

It is evident that Jason has a passion for Science. His favourite subject is taught by our esteemed faculty member, Mr John G. Jason is fascinated by all the exciting experiments they conduct together in class. Interestingly, the word science comes from the Latin word, ‘scire’, which means, “to know”. Real scientists are always on the look-out for new knowledge. Fittingly, Jason is a keen student, eager to learn as much as he can. For those who value knowledge the way he does, science is captivating because there is so much to discover about the world we live in and science helps us understand how it all works together.

Although science is Jason’s favourite subject, that doesn’t mean he does not apply himself wholeheartedly to his other courses. It was a very proud moment for Jason, his parents, and his English teacher Mr Thomas, when he scored an A in a recent English examination.

Not one to set low goals for himself, Jason is determined to become an ME Education Prefect in the future. With his strong work ethic and consistent dedication, he is well on his way to achieving this goal.

With his short-term goals in place, Jason has also set some long-term goals, including the path he intends to pursue as a career. Drawing inspiration from his loving father, Jason has his sights set on joining the ranks of our brave Hong Kong firefighters. He is moved by his father, who is an active firefighter and risks his life to help those in need. Speaking as citizens of Hong Kong, we are grateful to the men and women who put their lives on the line daily to save others. Jason has chosen an admirable career path indeed and we intend to support his aspirations fully.

To help him achieve his goals, the teachers at ME Education are working with Jason to underline the courses he will need in order to enrol for his chosen career. Our teachers work closely with all students who have identified their passions and intended career options. We take our role of ‘advisor’ seriously and work hard to ensure our students are well informed and best equipped to excel in their chosen vocations.

For those considering enrolling at ME Education, Jason encourages them to make an appointment with our admissions team so they can learn more about the courses on offer and the teachers who teach them. He is confident once the research has been done, the decision to join the ME Education family will be an easy one.

It’s not all work and no play for Jason. In addition to admiring his father for his commendable career, he also appreciates his dad’s skills on the basketball court. Jason loves nothing more than enjoying a game of basketball with his father and they play after dinner, at least twice a week. When they are not playing basketball together, he and his dad are serious animation lovers and Jason has an impressive collection of animation figures.

Equally proud of his mom, Jason has set his intentions to visit Singapore one day because that is his mother’s hometown. It’s the first place he would choose to travel to.

We are proud to have a student like Jason at ME Education and we equally value each and every student for their own talents, skills and aspirations.

Our team finished off a very successful 2020, in which 90% of our students were accepted into one of their top 3 schools!!

To schedule a free assessment and 30 min consultation, call us now at 2383 0300, or WhatsApp: +852 9866 6265.


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